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CHARBELL RZ F1 (69-104)

Babyleaf chard with dark red leaf stems
CHARBELL RZ F1 (69-104) product photo front L
CHARBELL RZ F1 (69-104) product photo front L
CHARBELL RZ F1 (69-104) product photo front L
CHARBELL RZ F1 (69-104) product photo front S
  • Babyleaf swiss chard, red veins
  • Dark green leaves, dark red stems
  • Upright type, high yield
  • Medium-quick development, strong against Cercospora
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100.000 pieces
Untreated seeds
Precision seed
Article ID: IgqKGMQo
1.000.000 pieces
Untreated seeds
Precision seed
Article ID: UpsEnENW


Variety name
CHARBELL RZ F1 (69-104)
Crop type
Babyleaf swiss chard
Leaf colour
Stem colour
Cultivation system
Indoor soil, Outdoor
Cultivation period
Spring, Summer
Scandinavian countries
Sweden, Finland, Denmark

Charbell RZ is a dark green babyleaf chard for year-round cultivation. The stems and leaf veins are bright dark red, resulting in a high-contrast green-red play of colours. Upright growth and medium-fast development are further characteristics of the variety. The babyleaf chard Charbell RZ is strong against Cercospora and delivers high yields.

Growing schedule

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This advice is general and can deviate due to local circumstances such as weather or soil conditions. Please reach out if you want our advice on your exact conditions.

2 articles

100.000 pieces
Untreated seeds
Precision seed
Article ID: IgqKGMQo
1.000.000 pieces
Untreated seeds
Precision seed
Article ID: UpsEnENW