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VICARIO RZ F1 (25-937)

Broccoli for early summer
VICARIO RZ F1 (25-937) product photo view-2 L
VICARIO RZ F1 (25-937) product photo front L
VICARIO RZ F1 (25-937) product photo view-2 L
VICARIO RZ F1 (25-937) product photo front L
VICARIO RZ F1 (25-937) product photo front S
VICARIO RZ F1 (25-937) product photo view-2 S
  • Fast growing early summer variety
  • Fine-grained, well-domed curd
  • Upright plant structure
  • Suitable as year-round product in trays (300 g)
View Details
2.500 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: UIeSocag
10.000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: EKLBUfYW
25.000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: eEKQMBnY


Variety name
VICARIO RZ F1 (25-937)
Resistance (HR)
Area of use
Fresh market
Cultivation period
Scandinavian countries
Sweden, Finland, Denmark

Broccoli is rich in vitamins and minerals and easy to prepare. Vicario RZ is a broccoli with fast development and upright growth for early summer harvest. The variety produces fine-grained, well-domed curds of uniform quality. The broccoli Vicario RZ is also suitable for year-round marketing in trays.

Growing schedule

Please select a relevant option from all shown filters to generate a growing schedule that suits your situation.
Activity JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
11 17
21 27

This advice is general and can deviate due to local circumstances such as weather or soil conditions. Please reach out if you want our advice on your exact conditions.

3 varieties

2.500 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: UIeSocag
10.000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: EKLBUfYW
25.000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: eEKQMBnY