TEREK RZ F1 (32-123)

Versatile kohlrabi for fresh market and industry
TEREK RZ F1 (32-123) product photo view-3 L
TEREK RZ F1 (32-123) product photo front L
TEREK RZ F1 (32-123) product photo view-2 L
TEREK RZ F1 (32-123) product photo view-3 L
TEREK RZ F1 (32-123) product photo front L
TEREK RZ F1 (32-123) product photo front S
TEREK RZ F1 (32-123) product photo view-2 S
TEREK RZ F1 (32-123) product photo view-3 S
  • Fresh market, processing industry
  • Upright, strong foliage
  • Flat-round, white bulbs, high uniformity
  • Excellent internal quality, long harvest window
View Details
2.500 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: igcSGggE
10.000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: EFUkmJUf
25.000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: eENosmcb
100.000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: CKVkEUHA


Variety name
TEREK RZ F1 (32-123)
Cultivation system
Outdoor, Indoor
Area of use
Processing, Fresh market
Cultivation period
Scandinavian countries
Sweden, Finland, Denmark

Terek RZ is a kohlrabi for fresh market and industry. The plant has upright, robust foliage. The flat-round, white bulbs have an excellent internal quality and a tender, fresh taste. They are suitable for raw consumption, as a soup ingredient and side vegetable. The kohlrabi Terek RZ is highly uniform and has a long harvest window.

Growing schedule

Please select a relevant option from all shown filters to generate a growing schedule that suits your situation.
Activity JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
10 15
19 21

This advice is general and can deviate due to local circumstances such as weather or soil conditions. Please reach out if you want our advice on your exact conditions.

4 varieties

2.500 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: igcSGggE
10.000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: EFUkmJUf
25.000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: eENosmcb
100.000 TRANSLATE custom.attribute.pieces.value
Standard naked
Product ID: CKVkEUHA